


気づき #1069


Redmine.org incomplete tickets vote count lists as of 2019/12/22

奈良 裕記 さんが4年以上前に追加. 約3年前に更新.





This message is Redmine.org incomplete tickets vote count lists as of 2019/12/22
Redmine 4.1 release anniversary and Happy New Year 2020 edition. :-)

I tried to post this list to the Redmine.org Forum, but could not register 
because only 30 lines of Textile were registered as SPAM.
I could not help it, so I registered on redmine.tokyo UnofficialCooking project and link it to redmine.org.
plus1-2years +1 number of tickets in last 2 years
plus1 +1 number of tickets
comments number of ticket comments
category Ticket category
issue_org_id Ticket number (redmine.org)
subject Ticket title
target version Target Version(redmine.org)
WowkAround Provisional countermeasures for tickets (Plugin, Patch, etc.)
plus1-2years plus1 comments category issue_org_id Subject Target Version WorkAround
11 20 53 Email notifications #13919 Mention user on comment/description using @user with autocomplete 4.2.0
11 11 31 Translations #29045 Change Japanese translation for Tracker Use redmine-org-29164
8 55 112 Issues #5358 Share Issues Categories for sub-projects Use patched Code
8 41 72 Issues #7360 Issue Custom Query: Default Query Unplanned backlogs Use Plugin
8 15 28 REST API #16069 Allow configuration of API limit instead of hardcoding at 100 Candidate for next major release
5 35 153 Issues workflow #12005 Mightful workflow field enhancement: hide Use Plugin
( hide or show core fields based on the user roles per project. )
4 46 121 Issues #1739 Add ability to change issue owner Unplanned backlogs Use Plugin or patch
4 25 40 Issues #7907 Display Issues in a hierarchy (tree) Use Plugin for better UI
4 21 57 Issues #4511 Allowing to add user groups as watchers for issues Use Plugin
4 15 21 Custom fields #11361 Custom Field Groups, and User Specific Fields
4 10 34 UI #5840 Live lookup of the existing issues based on the keywords entered in the title for new issue Candidate for next major release
4 4 9 My page #27313 More custom queries on My page Candidate for next major release
4 4 10 UI #30262 Show 'Add filter' dropdown menu as button beneath the filters Candidate for next major release
3 34 50 Issues workflow #973 Assign different status sets and workflows for separate projects
3 21 62 Issues filter #4939 List of tasks filtered as OR and not AND Use patch
Use patched branch
3 17 22 Issues #11969 Subtask display fields
3 16 50 Issues #1624 Issue merging
3 5 7 Custom fields #21026 Select user-groups in custom fields of type "User" Use patch (Sorry Japanese Only)
issue edit screen
issue filtering screen
3 5 15 REST API #24808 OAuth2 support for Redmine API Apps (OAuth2 Provider)
3 4 29 Issues #6320 Subtasks do not appear under parent task in Issues view
3 4 6 Search engine #7737 Add support for searching for exact words
3 3 20 Attachments #18556 Add ability to configure limit of attachments at once
3 3 4 Custom fields #25209 Option for users to add values to list / key/value custom fields
3 3 4 Custom fields #24766 Custom fields grouping
3 3 5 Email notifications #32183 Notification sub-events for "Issue updated" does not cover all events which consist its parent Candidate for next major release
3 3 8 Issues filter #23301 Allow "Custom queries" to be shared across projects
3 3 7 Issues list #29894 View watchers on the issue list Candidate for next major release
3 3 5 Search engine #25198 Add rank in search result as data attribute Candidate for next major release
3 3 5 Time tracking #30485 Make activity type project dependant instead of redmine global
2 47 62 UI #1040 Global wiki Using unlimited project nesting,
2 33 43 Wiki #2636 Feature Request: Wiki ACLs (Access control for individual pages)
2 28 47 Issues #8016 Drag-and-drop issue (ticket) ordering
2 20 40 Email notifications #8241 Advanced notification: per user, per project configurable schedule, event filter and notification format
2 19 140 Issues #8488 Create an 'Involve' mechanism to private issues Candidate for next major release Use patch
2 18 34 Issues workflow #11313 Automatic closing of resolved issues Candidate for next major release
2 16 23 Issues #7849 custom issue relation types
2 10 31 Email notifications #16098 On relation change/add notification setting 4.2.0
2 9 17 Issues #12388 diffs for editions of issue/notes entries
2 8 21 Attachments #12677 Private attachments for issues
2 7 15 Accounts / authentication #3956 Login by Email
2 6 11 #10121 Watchers - Add Group / Role
2 5 22 Issues list #5325 Add Parent Task to 'Group Results By' drop down Candidate for next major release
2 5 18 Permissions and roles #3088 Estimated hours field able to hide role based Candidate for next major release
2 5 22 Roadmap #15180 Start date on versions
2 4 16 Issues #7867 Author group filtering
2 4 7 Roadmap #4291 Display percent complete per issue in roadmap view
2 3 35 Issues #3143 Add an 'Add Note' function to issue, to avoid optimistic-lock of issue' update when user just want to add a note Candidate for next major release
2 3 11 Issues #1667 Default tracker setting in each project
2 2 2 Custom fields #27176 Add label to custom fields
2 2 9 Email notifications #15928 Disable email notifications for ticket's updates
2 2 8 Importers #23448 Allow updating existing issues via CSV import when their ID's are the same
2 2 3 Issues #32047 Do not delete parent issues that have child issues
2 2 7 Issues #28471 Make "Subtasks" section headers a links to issue query Candidate for next major release
2 2 4 Issues #25686 Make the issues sidebar menu use accordion with JQuery
2 2 4 Plugin API #26908 Add ability to have hooks inisde application.js and application.css via asset pipeline
2 2 14 Roadmap #17907 Give 'version' another meaning
2 2 9 SCM #8363 Git: Pull requests
2 2 3 Text formatting #26968 Integrate Mediawiki's VisualEditor
2 2 8 Time tracking #29286 Add default spent time activity per role Candidate for next major release
2 2 15 UI #29285 Add "Assign to me" shortcut to issue edit form Candidate for next major release
2 2 12 UI #28861 Add a date item to the context menu Candidate for next major release
2 2 21 UI #28829 Add right-click context menu to the contextual area of an issue
2 2 4 UI #28595 Please remove font definition from the body element.
2 2 9 UI #23892 Switch date pickers embedded in browsers or bundled in redmine
2 2 12 UI #21493 Tweak colors of default theme 4.2.0
2 2 7 Wiki #28947 Show the existing attachments on the wiki editing page
2 2 2 #31381 Find change status of issues at custom query
2 2 7 #30069 Integrate Redmine with GitLab (or other free CI system for open source) to run tests
1 69 134 Issues #1448 Add tags to issues Candidate for next major release Use Plugin
1 45 89 Issues #1176 Recurring Tasks Use Plugin and cron
1 40 65 Projects #1853 Make Projects truly independent of each other Candidate for next major release
1 38 66 Importers #3647 Data Import/Export System https://github.com/delatbabel/redmine-migrator
(rest-api 利用のphp script 、動作確認していない)
1 37 76 Issues #1011 Add voting to tickets Use Plugin
1 28 39 Custom fields #1712 add custom fields that are calculations of other fields https://github.com/annikoff/redmine_plugin_computed_custom_field
1 27 58 Projects #3224 Better project list Candidate for next major release Update to Redmine4.1.0
1 23 41 Issues #1380 Deleting an issue only marks it as being deleted workaround
1 20 37 Issues #6666 Soft delete of issues workaround
1 20 32 Issues filter #10999 Ticket list filter: More flexible filter conditions Use patch
1 18 33 Permissions and roles #1086 Fine grained permissions
1 17 31 Issues #1278 Creating global (default) categories. same as redmine-org-5538
1 13 22 Projects #1196 Add versioning for Files and Documents
1 13 24 UI #8417 per tracker configurable issue form layout with preview
1 12 14 Forums #7697 Extend watchers functionality of wiki and forums to be like issues
1 12 40 Issues #12579 Ability to assign issues to multiple users Use Plugin
1 12 14 Wiki #6401 Make Wiki Redirects editable
1 11 33 Roadmap #1266 Feature: Allow setting multiple target-milestones
1 11 16 Wiki #3547 Wiki include macro: add ability to include single section Candidate for next major release
1 10 11 Accounts / authentication #6856 Shibboleth authentication and SSO support
1 10 21 Activity view #1422 Date selection for Activity Page
1 10 104 Issues #5458 Extend Start/Due date to include time Use Plugin for datetime custome fields (not Start/Due date field)
1 10 11 SCM #2870 Recursive download from the repository
1 10 22 UI #668 Date input fields don't respect date format settings Candidate for next major release
1 9 33 Attachments #2770 Display of inline attached images in email notification Candidate for next minor release
1 9 34 I18n #3972 Translation for field values
1 9 15 Issues #10048 Secondary sorting after sorting by parent task
1 8 18 Issues filter #8192 Make a global category filter available from issues list at All Issues level use redmine-org-5358-patch
1 8 15 Wiki #1330 Copy a Wiki Page
1 7 14 Issues #5262 Different priority levels for different trackers
1 7 12 Issues #5238 Related issues option accessible during issue creation
1 7 21 Project settings #15021 Service Level Agreement (SLA), more user-friendly email configuration, add any other notifications
1 6 13 Documents #5457 Move files and documets to another project
1 6 47 Issues #675 Anti-spam or captcha for issues
1 6 19 Issues permissions #12089 Hide Issue History
1 6 9 Permissions and roles #4427 Create a new type of role for not project specific maintenance
1 6 22 Permissions and roles #1543 Setting permissions for viewing the Activity page. Candidate for next major release
1 5 22 Custom fields #22026 Conditional custom fields
1 5 11 Email notifications #2026 Improve E-Mail notification templates
1 5 11 Email notifications #1757 Immediately send a notify email when a user is added to issue's watcher list
1 5 19 Hook requests #8757 Add hook for bulk edit post-save state
1 5 30 Issues planning #22802 Add the posibility to set/change the position of an issue in a version
1 5 21 Projects #7982 Folding project list (expand/collapse)
1 4 13 Attachments #7056 Download All Attachments in Issue Candidate for next major release
1 4 4 Attachments #1699 Ability to move wiki attachments from one page to another
1 4 8 Custom fields #19224 Custom fields / List - make user editable Use Plugin
1 4 9 Issues #11316 Automatic update of related issues
1 4 7 Issues #8629 Allow assigning issues and/or watcher status to authenticated non members
1 4 25 Issues #4347 Replying to an issue should automatically add the user to the watchers list Candidate for next major release
1 4 11 Issues filter #3952 Filtering by subproject still shows current project's issues
1 4 14 PDF export #6280 Multi-issue PDF export
1 4 17 Search engine #4138 Add spent time comments in search Candidate for next minor release
1 4 53 UI #21808 Make the Sidebar collapsible, stateful Candidate for next major release
1 3 5 Custom fields #16717 Add _blank support for "Link values to URL"
1 3 14 Email notifications #11888 No e-mail notification for non-members who are watchers
1 3 10 Email notifications #3842 add signature to outgoing email notifications
1 3 4 Issues #18253 Multiple level of grouping & sorting in Issue List
1 3 17 Issues #13758 Issue Filtering 'Assignee = <<me>>' shows group issues, but 'Assignee = Bob' does not
1 3 22 Issues #3195 issue's start date could be the latest due date of predecessors
1 3 17 Issues filter #5535 Assigned to issuelist filter: added <nobody> value
1 3 9 Issues list #24946 Issue rating (like button or vote up button) Use Plugin
1 3 9 REST API #18875 [Rest API][custom field]Why "GET /custom_fields.xml" required the System manager's privilege?
1 3 5 REST API #12921 REST-API: filter projects by status
1 3 77 SCM #339 perforce SCM support
1 3 6 UI #13536 Other avatar sources Use Plugin
1 3 5 UI #12197 Integrate upload for userdefined profile pictures
1 3 13 UI #9851 Equalize the way how available shared versions are differentiated in target version drop-downs Candidate for next minor release
1 3 7 Website (redmine.org) #9139 Use favicon for redmine.org
1 2 6 Accounts / authentication #22593 OAuth registration and login (Facebook, Google ..) Use redmine_omniauth_google plugin for authenticate by Google's OAuth2 provider.
git clone https://github.com/twinslash/redmine_omniauth_google.git
or forked branches.
1 2 21 Administration #23954 Shows the date of the last activity on Projects administration. Candidate for next major release
1 2 5 Calendar #13259 Drag and drop issue on calendar
1 2 3 Email notifications #12325 Add mailto link including subject to help sending mails back to Redmine Extend email receiver
1 2 9 Email notifications #6221 Email texts template/configuration.
1 2 3 Issues #15925 Related Issues-Link multiple issues to a master issue
1 2 3 Issues #8155 Editable related issues
1 2 3 Issues #5515 user select default issue query
1 2 2 Issues workflow #18617 Clear a specific field value when certain issue status is set
1 2 6 LDAP #4124 LDAP integration
1 2 5 News #8263 Make News comments editable
1 2 10 PDF export #15296 Include image thumbnails with PDF export
1 2 6 Permissions and roles #13767 Export to CSV the permissions report
1 2 6 Plugin API #27705 Gemify redmine plugins
1 2 10 Plugin Request #7382 Integrated cost tracking module
1 2 10 Search engine #3912 Add support for AND's and OR's in search Unplanned backlogs
1 2 26 Text formatting #8095 Allow overriding the default text formatting in each project
1 2 16 Time tracking #14735 Allow negative time entries
1 2 36 Time tracking #13244 Restrict log time for old days
1 2 4 Wiki #11519 Ability to edit wiki comments after entry saved

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